Friday, October 30, 2009

Thx to My Sale Hunter

Thx to My Sale Hunter for featuring us! =)

Poll voting! =)

Hi peeps!
Im planning to sell some phone accessories that looks like this:

Would you buy it?
Please give me some feedbacks!
Will appreciate it lots! =)
Thank you!
Would you buy it if the price is about RM5/6??
ugg boots

Friday, October 23, 2009

5 Flat Tummy Tricks

Are you carrying some fats on your tummy?
No more worries!
Three2One can help you with this problem totally free!

Yes, now you can get amazing abs.
Just follow this easy four-week plan!

(Click on the pictures for a better guidance)

A. Lie with your legs together and knees slightly bent. Lift shoulder blades off the floor.
B. Come down until bottoms of shoulder blades touch the floor. Crunch back up. That's 1 rep.
*Use your abs to lift yourself. Don't pull your head with your arms.

A. Lie with feet and knees bent. Lift head and shoulders off floor. Reach up with left arm.
B. Alternate arms as you climb an imaginary rope. Pulling with both hands equals 1 rep.
*Reach high for the rope! Visualize it in the center of your body.

A. Lie with knees bent out and soles of feet together. Use abs to lift shoulder blades off the floor.
B. Come down until the bottoms of shoulder blade hit the floor; crunch back up. That's 1 rep.
*Don't tuck your chin into your chest. Look out and up!

A. Lie with kness bent and feet flat in a wide stance. Lift shoulder blades off the floor.
B. Reach left arm to touch right knee. Return to start; repeat to other side. That's 1 rep.
*Keep your feet flat! The move won't work if you lift them off the floor.

A. Lie doen and lift your legs so they make a 90 degree angle. Lift shoulder blades off the floor.
B. Come down until bottoms of shoulder blades hit the floor. Cruch back up. That's 1 rep.
*Your arms and head should never touch the floor.
**Make sure your knees are DIRECTLY ABOVE your butt.

A guideline for you:

Your countdown to a flat belly:
Do cardio, like jogging or biking, four times a week followed by the abs moves. Switch them up to get definition all over! ^^

Cardio: On 4 days, do 20 minutes
Abs: Pick 3 moves; do 15-20 reps of each.

Cardio: On 3 days this week, do 20 minutes; on 1 day do 30 minutes.
Abs: Pick 3 moves; do 20-25 reps of each.

Cardio: On 2 days this week, do 20 minutes; on 2 other days, do 30 minutes.
Abs: Pick 3 moves; do 20-25 reps of each.

Cardio: On 4 days, do 30 minutes.
Abs: Pick 4 moves; do 20-25 reps of each.

Good luck and have fun, girls! =)

Sources from: Seventeen Magazine.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Beauty Tips: 5大控油护肤误区


控油误区1: 控油就是减少油脂分泌

对 于25岁以上的女性来说,仅从油脂数量上控制是远远不够的,控油的同时还要注意调整油脂的质量。对比实验发现,成年人分泌的脸部油脂呈现浑浊的黄色状态, 而婴儿的油脂则清澈透明。造成这种差异的根本原因在于成年人比婴儿接触了更多的阳光与污染的空气,油脂中含有大量过氧游离脂肪酸,极易蕴藏毒素,造成肌肤 看起来油腻,毛孔堵塞,生存黑头、暗疮等问题。

控油误区2: 过度清洁

避 免使用强效去脂的清洁产品或频繁清洁肌肤。油性肌肤经强效清洗后,确实会感觉较清爽,甚至有些“干”。然而,这样“洗”去的,不仅是面部浮油,更可能是肌 肤的天然保护。皮肤专家认为,正确的清洁方法,并非把“油”全部洗去,而是选择温和合适的控油清洁产品,清除多余油脂。

控油误区3: 护肤品用得越少,越能减少出油现象

炎热的夏季往往是护肤最漫不经心的季节。因为怕油腻感而拒绝使用保湿 品,是夏日护肤的一大误区。仅仅吸油、控油非但不能改善油腻状况,反而使肌肤更干燥,产生更多的皱纹。只有水油平衡才是肌肤的完美状态。

控油误区4: 把吸油纸当成救命法宝


控油误区5: T字区缺乏护理

额头与鼻子组成的T字区容易泛油,而且常常因油脂分泌而发生毛孔粗大 、红肿等问题。正确选用T字区有专用护理品,含更多的抑油及控油成分,并可防止脱妆。

Source from:IFEEL

Featured by Stylisters

Thx to Stylisters for featuring us =)

Sunday, October 11, 2009

DIY Sheet Mask

Now, i bring you a brand new product *well, it's not new in the market, but new in this blogshop =P* ---- DIY Sheet Mask!!!

DIY Sheet Mask is a capsule-shaped-mask which contains nth at all! So, this means that the mask is 100% organic and you can add in any ingredients u want! =D Interesting?? Furthermore, it's super duper cheap! It's only RM0.80 each!! How does it sounds?? Tempting??

Grab it now! There're limited stocks left only! =)

1 for RM0.80
10 for RM7.5O

Wait, you must be wondering what to add in to your DIY Sheet Mask?? Here you go!

1. Vitamin C Mask (credits to JeanJean. Thank you very much!)

Note : Do not try this mask if you have inflammed and uber-sensitive skin as this mask is stimulating and acidic.

1) 1 Vitamin C tablet ( I suggest you to use chewable Vitamin C for children as they are milder).

2) Water
3) DIY Sheet Mask
4) Daiso Royal Jelly Lotion or Cornstarch ( as thickener)

1. First, crush the Vitamin C tablet or just drown it into 5 tablespoons of water. The Vitamin C solution should be diluted.

2. After the Vitamin C is dissolved, soak the mask into the mixture and leave it for 5 - 10 minutes.

3. Pump in some Daiso Royal Jelly Lotion or simply add in a teaspoon of cornstarch to thicken up the mixture. You have to make the mixture thicker so that it won't drip all over when you put on the mask.

Generally, this mask suits people with normal ,combination and oily skin better.

2. Milk and Honey Mask (credits to JeanJean. Thank you very much!)

Milk is a great source of protein and calcium when consumed but quickly turns into great natural skin softener when you soak your skin into milk bath.
Honey has healing and soothing properties which makes it a best friend to most of baby products. Honey moisturizes skin effectively too.

When both of these super ingredients combine together, you will have sweet milky mask that your skin will scream for more.

1) Milk
2) 1- 2 tablespoons of honey
3) Water
4) DIY Sheet Mask
5) Cornstarch ( optional)

1. Mix in honey into the milk. If you are using cornstarch, add it too at this point.
Soak the tissue mask into the mixture and leave it for 5- 10 minutes.

3. Toner Mask

If you have dry and large-pore skin, then you should try this one.
Simply add in a little bit of toner onto your DIY Sheet Mask and use it.

*To avoid wastage of toner, pour the toner on your DIY Sheet Mask and once it expands, stop adding, and not pour it into a container then oni throw ur DIY Sheet Mask into it. =)*

4. Water Mask

This is the easiest one. Just add in water and let it expand.
This method of mask is too hydrate your skin.

*Please take note that DO NOT USE IT FOR TOO LONG, as water evaporates easily and if it evaporates, it'll absorb water from your face. This makes your face worse. If you want to put it on longer, you have to keep on spraying/sprinkling water on it so that it wont evaporate easily.*

5. Lemon Mask

Caution: Lemon is good for whitening, but it's bit too strong and very acidic, so, please use it carefully so that your face wont look like having white patch here and there.

Squeeze a little bit of lemon juice into a bowl, and add in twice the amount of water into it.
Then, soak the mask in it and leave it for 5 minutes.

*Please do not apply it too long on the face. 5 minutes will be just nice. If you're afraid of the too-white-effect, you can add in more water to dilute the lemon juice*

6. Lemon and Egg White Mask

Add in an egg into a bowl (EGG WHITE ONLY!) and beat it till fluffy. Then, squeeze 2-3 drops of lemon juice into it. Soaked the mask in it for 5-10 minutes and it's ready to use.

Lemon is effective for whitening. Whereas egg white is good for whitening and also purification. Egg white can be used to remove blackheads too. But, the smell will be bit pungent.

Actually, u can mix and match whatever you think can use on your face, as long as it's not too strong till it damages your skin.

*Please take note that, all masks should not apply on face more than 15minutes, as bacteria will grow on it and it'll absorb nutrients from your face!*

Enjoy it, babes! =D

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Pos Express Rate Adjustment

As announced at 1st Oct 2009, Malaysia Pos Express Envelope will be increasing RM0.50.
Therefore, postage fees for RM4.00 pos express will increase to RM4.50
Besides that, we now have RM3.50 pos express envelope too. This is for those who buy small amount to save money.

Please take note.
Thank you.

A Shopaholic's Den

A very big thank you to A Shopaholic's Den for featuring me! =)

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Shiseido Masks

1. Shiseido White Mask
(Recommended by 大 S)

Shiseido's latest skincare technology development, the SHISEIDO Vital Perfection Mask has whitening,revitalizing and anti-aging effects. It contains an effective compound which combats skin aging and dulling known as the LAG Revitalizer. The LAG Revitalizer is rapidly absorbed into deeper layers of the skin, effectively allowing the skin to maintain moisture and nutrients. It fights against darkspots, sun spots, black heads, and pimples, decreasing pore size, reducing wrinkles, enhancing skin collagen regeneration, renewing elasticity, resulting in soft and smooth skin.

*WARNING! For sensitive skin, please apply a little bit on other parts of body before trying it on the face. If within 24 hours, there are no irritations, skin-reddish appears, then it is safe to apply on the face. Any problem occure due to skin sensitivity will not be our responsibility. Thank you.

2. Shiseido Black Mask (OUT OF STOCK!)
(Recommended by 女人我最大)

This peel-off black whitening pack achieves whitening and deep pores cleansing effect by continuing to deliver active ingredients deep into the keratin layer while simultaneously removing keratotic plugs (comedoes), melanin and old keratin that contribute to dark pores.Eliminates the causes of a dull complexion and maintains pure, white and clear translucency. Also contributes to smoother skin. Formulated with black nano-powder that readily disperses on the skin. It adheres closely, as if bonding with the skin, thanks to its excellent film-forming power, fast dryingand air tightness. It soothes skin suffering from the effects of fatigue and contributes to comfortable firmness and even smoothness. Formulated with five Japanese and Chinese herbal extracts, including wormwood extract and gold thread extracts.

A latest product with special formula by Shiseido to get rid of the stubborn black heads on face espnose area. The ingredients can be easily absorbed by our skin, hence effectively removing clogged pores (black head) so as to achieve tightening and whitening effect.

ps. This is slightly more watery then others but it's still genuine!

*WARNING! For sensitive skin, please apply a little bit on other parts of body before trying it on the face. If within 24 hours, there are no irritations, skin-reddish appears, then it is safe to apply on the face. Any problem occure due to skin sensitivity will not be our responsibility. Thank you.

3. Shiseido Naturgo Mask
2 in 1 effects from Black and White Masks!

Originate from deep sea mud, include rich minerals & natural essence. Able to clean pores thoroughly, balancing oil secretion, suppress and lighten pigmentation, achieving whitening effects. Long term usage promotes skin revitalization.

It has the benefits of deep pore cleansing, removing dirt and impurities, minimizing breakouts, whitening and lightening pigmentation.

The mask contains a compound LAG Revitalizer which has whitening, revitalizing and anti-aging effects.The LAG Revitalizer can penetrates into the deeper layers of the skin, allowing the skin to maintain moisture and nutrients. It fights against dark spots, sun spots, black heads & whiteheads, and pimples, reducing pore size, reducing wrinkles, enhancing skin collagen regeneration, renewing elasticity, resulting in soft and smooth skin.

1. Suitable for sensitive skin.
2. Minimizes Pores
3. Removes dead skin and leaves skin extremely smooth and fresh!
4. Controls oil and sebum secretion. Suitable for oily - combination skin too!

*WARNING! For sensitive skin, please apply a little bit on other parts of body before trying it on the face. If within 24 hours, there are no irritations, skin-reddish appears, then it is safe to apply on the face. Any problem occure due to skin sensitivity will not be our responsibility. Thank you.

1. Exfoliate your skin.(Optional, but it would be recommended for the best results)
2. Cleansing (best with warm water) as usual.
3. Steam your face (optional)
4. Dry your face.
5. Gently massage mask evenly over dry face (avoid your hairlines, areas around eyes, lips, and eyebrows)
6. Leave on for 30 minutes/or until completely dried before peeling off gently. (Peel in the direction from yr chin to your forehead.)
7. Apply toner.

The above 3 masks are not really from Shiseido, it's from the factory producing Shiseido only. *Or something like that* Pls dont assume it's as same as the Shiseido you see outside. Thank you!

Shiseido Black and White Mask:
1 for RM2.00
5 for RM8.00

Shiseido Naturgo Mask:
1 for RM2.50
5 for RM10.00


Thx to 1Malaysian Blogger for reviewing us. =)

PS. Thr will be updates later today. Stay tune!

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